Photo Credits: By choco@Nerima
It is such an exciting time for you and your family when you bring your new Yorkshire Terrier puppy or adult dog home for the very first time. Now that you have brought your new puppy home and you are both a little bit adjusted to your new schedule, you may be thinking about some training for your puppy, other than routine house training. Maybe you are wondering where to start with training.
It is important for your dog to trust and respect you and feel secure. A dog should feel that his new home is a safe and dependable place. Dogs enjoy spending time with their families. A dog usually appreciates an owner who will love, lead and protect them.
Now, back to the topic of training. Are you thinking about training your new puppy yourself or taking some dog obedience classes together, when he is at the appropriate age? Maybe you even had thoughts of working with a private, professional dog trainer. Well, no matter which way you decide to begin any training with your Yorkshire Terrier puppy, I can offer you some tips.
Some Helpful Training Tips:
One very important thing in the beginning is to decide on some house rules for your new puppy. You need to decide what he can and can't do.
Dogs like to know what they are supposed to do and what is expected of them. Dogs like structure in their life. The puppy's mother is it's very first pack leader. Now that your puppy is home with you, he probably looks to you as the leader. You can decide to set reasonable house rules for your new dog. If the rules are settled in the beginning, you can avoid confusion for both of you later on. If you don't provide your dog with some leadership and direction, he may begin to make his own rules.
For example, if your dog steals a portion of your sandwich and then eats a little bit of it and then tries to hide and bury the rest of it in your living room couch and you happen to laugh and say isn't that cute. Your dog will get the wrong idea and think this type of behavior is acceptable and OK to do. You may have reinforced the fact that he is in charge and you may have reinforced his bad manners. Actually, dogs can become stressed when they think they can do anything they want.
Often times, dogs feel secure and confident with knowing exactly what you expect from them and having some fair house rules. A dog usually looks for their owner's positive approval. Your dog's well-behaved manner may depend on your good teaching and leadership! You can teach your puppy what you want him to do or not do and you can praise him when he obeys and he will very likely a happy companion!
Here are some examples of some common house rules:
Being polite with people: you may want to teach the dog to sit, instead of jumping up on people when greeting them.
Discourage chewing of furniture and other items: As a new owner you may want to provide safe and appropriate chew toys and routinely spend time with your dog so he is not bored.
You may want to discourage excessive barking for attention.
Good house training habits are also very important for your dog.
A dog may be more calm and relaxed when he knows what is expected of him.
The following factors are very important when training a dog: attention, consistency, repetition, patience, love, rewards and understanding.
Spending quality time with your dog is also very important.
Here are a few ideas:
You can enjoy walks together.
You can play in the backyard together. Dogs usually like to play fetch or Frisbee with their owners.
You may wish to take your dog on errands with you, if possible.
You may want to let him sit with you while you watch TV or chat with friends on the phone.
You can provide a special place for your dog to sleep, like a nice dog bed.
Maybe you can get into the daily habit of brushing his coat, while he sits nice for you.
Dogs usually respond well to a daily routine schedule. A good schedule may help him stay relaxed and confident.
Hopefully, some of these things may help you develop a nice relationship with your dog. Reward your dog when he has done something right. You may want to reward him with lots of positive praise, a favorite treat or some nice play time.
Don't forget to help him relax when he first comes home. Whatever you can do to help him get comfortable in his new home will be good for both of you. Set up his private space or den area in the house.
Your dog will probably really appreciate and enjoy a space for himself in the house where he will feel comfortable. You may provide your puppy or dog with his own private sleeping area, where he can routinely relax and get plenty of good rest. It is important to set a good habit for bedtime in your home, so that you and your puppy will both feel rested and happy! Every dog needs their own safe and comfortable place to sleep.
You may wish to have your puppy's bed in a quiet, safe place in the house. A peaceful and comfortable section of the room may be nice. Maybe you will choose a safe, cozy dog bed for your Yorkshire Terrier puppy. You probably will want to pick a special sleeping area for the puppy where there is not much noise.
Your Yorkshire Terrier puppy may feel a little more confident and secure if he can still see the people in the house from his sleeping area. Just knowing that you are there may help him to stay relaxed and calm.
It may be helpful to get into the habit of some calm, quiet time before the actual bedtime. The puppy may need to go outside to eliminate immediately before bedtime. Providing background sounds, such as a very soft background sound of a TV or radio may calm the puppy down and relax him at night. He may also enjoy a little time to be left alone at times in the comfort and safety of his den area.
Another helpful thing you can do is to teach your puppy to come to you when you call his name. You can get down on his level and tell him to come to you using his name. For example: You can say come here, Jack. Then, when he does come to you, maybe you want to tell him that he is a good dog! He will be happy if you make a big deal using positive reinforcement. Always remember to reward his good behavior.
It may be helpful to try to maintain a regular daily routine or schedule so that it will be easier for your Yorkshire Terrier to understand what is expected of him. Positive reinforcement or a reward, such as nice praise or a favorite treat can be very helpful when teaching good behavior to your Yorkshire Terrier.
The Yorkshire Terrier is a very intelligent dog. Be consistent when training your dog. Remember to keep your dog's attention and have some fun during training. Reward your Yorkshire Terrier when he demonstrates the desired behavior that you are teaching him.
Reward your puppy or dog's good behavior with positive reinforcement. Use treats, toys, love, or lots of praise. Let your dog know when's he's getting everything right.
You can help your puppy to learn not to jump up when greeting you. Puppies routinely love to jump up in greeting. Don't reprimand your puppy, just ignore his behavior and wait until he calms down before giving positive reinforcement. Don't encourage jumping behavior by praising your dog when he's in a jumping position when he is greeting you. You can praise him when he settles down and he's in the sitting position.
You will want to discourage your puppy from biting or nipping. Instead of scolding your puppy if he is trying to nip, a great way to discourage him from this behavior is to pretend that you're in great pain when he's biting or nipping you. He will probably stop immediately. Another thing you could do is to try giving him a safe chew toy for your hand or pant leg. He will probably like the chew toy better.
Lastly, it is a good practice to end training sessions on a positive note. Again, you can give lots of verbal praise to your dog, maybe his favorite treats, some petting or some fun playtime. Your Yorkshire Terrier has probably worked hard to please you throughout the training. All of the positive reinforcement that you provided him throughout your training session might encourage him to start his training lesson next time with his tail wagging, eager to learn!
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