Friday, March 12, 2010

Be a Good Leader of the Pack for Your Yorkshire Terrier

Dogs like to know what they are supposed to do and what is expected of them. Dogs like structure in their life. The puppy's mother is it's very first pack leader. Now that your puppy is home with you, he probably looks to you as the leader. You can decide to set reasonable house rules for your Yorkshire Terrier. If you don't provide your dog with some leadership and direction, he may begin to make his own rules.

For example, if your Yorkshire Terrier steals a portion of your sandwich and then eats a little bit of it and then tries to hide and bury the rest of it in your living room couch and you happen to laugh and say isn't that cute. Your Yorkshire Terrier will get the wrong idea and think this type of behavior is acceptable and OK to do. You may have reinforced the fact that he is in charge and you may have reinforced his bad manners. Actually, dogs can become stressed when they think they can do anything they want.

Often times, dogs feel secure and confident with knowing exactly what you expect from them and having some fair house rules. A Yorkshire Terrier usually looks for their owner's positive approval. Your Yorkshire Terrier's well-behaved manner may depend on your good teaching and leadership! You can teach your Yorkshire Terrier what you want them to do or not do and you can praise them when they obey and they will very likely be happy companions.