Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Adorable Yorkshire Terrier Photo

Whats up?

Photo Credits: By ZeePack

Information on Careers for People Who Enjoy Working with Animals

Did you ever happen to think about having a career in which you would be able to work with dogs or other animals? A pet sitter is an animal related career option. Sometimes dog owners may have to leave their home temporarily for a few days or more and they are unable to bring their dog with them, so they may hire a professional pet sitter. They usually look for a reputable pet sitter that is honest, reliable and knowledgeable about dog care in general.

The pet owner may carefully prepare a list of the duties and responsibilities that they would like the pet sitter to fulfill while they are away. This is an ideal time for the owner to write down any important information about their pet, such as any medical problems, special requirements (like any necessary medications prescribed by their veterinarian for their pet or special diet). They should write down their veterinarian's phone number in case of an emergency. They will want to definitely include the phone number and the place where they can be reached.

The pet owner will want to talk about what specific food to feed their pet and how often to feed their pet. They may want to explain where they routinely walk their dog and how often their dog needs to be walked. The pet owner will want to know their pet will be cared for in a safe and comfortable manner while they are away.

Another option that involves working directly with dogs is a job working in a doggy daycare. Doggy daycare is an available option for dog care if dog owners just need supervised care for a few hours a day, or during certain occasions. Sometimes dogs just need some additional companionship. Doggy daycare should be a safe place, fully supervised by trained staff members. It is a place where dogs can play with other dogs that match their similar temperament.

There may be safe and appropriate dog toys and comfortable dog beds for napping. Most doggy daycares have an outdoor area for exercise. You may wish to read the following article: Doggie Day Care? Really? The staff should be trained to understand and appropriately respond to dog behavior and interactions.

There should be enough humans around to give each dog nice attention and positive reinforcement. Doggy daycare should be secure and safe. All dogs in doggy daycare usually need to meet minimum health requirements. Dogs must have their current vaccinations and be free of infectious diseases. The dogs may be evaluated to make sure their temperament is fine for the daycare environment.

A dog groomer is another career option for people who enjoy working with dogs and have patience. If you think you may be interested in this line of work, you may wish to visit and talk with a professional dog groomer in your area.

Another job for people who like to work with pets is to work in a pet shop. You could also decide to volunteer or work in an animal shelter.

A professional dog trainer is another career option for people who enjoy working with dogs. I recently read there is an increased demand for dog trainers. There are many kinds of professional dog trainers. Dog trainers understand how dogs learn and they may help dog owners correct their pet's specific behavior problems. You may wish to read Why Become a Dog Trainer?: Careers in Dog Training Offer a Variety of Opportunities.

If you feel you have the interest and patience to become a dog trainer, you can talk to other professional dog trainers in your local area for more information. There are dog training schools as well as some online dog training courses. A certified dog trainer may decide to start their own dog training business. They may offer dog training classes or work individually with an owner and their dog. You may wish to check out the following:

Cute Yorkie Video

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Are You Thinking About Getting a New Yorkshire Terrier Puppy or an Adult Yorkshire Terrier?


Photo Credits: By choco@Nerima

You may be trying to decide if you want a new Yorkshire Terrier puppy or adult dog. Maybe you have been thinking about getting a dog for quite awhile, but you finally decided that you now have the required amount of time, necessary patience, and financial resources to get a Yorkshire Terrier.

When choosing a Yorkshire Terrier it is helpful to think of the life-long commitment to your future loyal canine companion.

Listed below are some comparisons between choosing a Yorkshire Terrier puppy or a Yorkshire Terrier adult dog.

Yorkshire Terrier Puppies:

Usually look very adorable

For the first few months of their lives, Yorkshire Terrier puppies usually need to be supervised and trained, including house training (which can take some time).

Puppies can whine, bark, cry and chew.

Sometimes puppies don't sleep through the night very easily.

With a Yorkshire Terrier puppy you can try to train him into the dog that you would like him to be when he grows up. You may have more influence in helping to develop his personality.

Adult Yorkshire Terrier Dog:

May be more clam

May already having more training in place

An adult Yorkshire Terrier may have developed his own personality at this point.

It is your personal choice as to whether you decide to get a new Yorkshire Terrier puppy or an adult Yorkshire Terrier. It is important to understand that it is very possible for an adult Yorkshire Terrier to bond with his new family just as easily as a new Yorkshire Terrier puppy would!


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Basic Rules In Training Your Puppy


Having a new puppy is always a joy as they can brighten up any home. However, training your puppy can be difficult, especially for first time owners. When it comes to house training your puppy, the rule is the earlier the better. Just like people, puppies develop differently. It's crucial that owners not push their pets. Instead, follow their pace of learning. At the same time, owners need to get into the mind of their puppies and understand what they are thinking in order to avoid frustration.

Puppies, or any animal for that matter, have only one thing on their minds when it comes to relieving themselves - they will do it when and where the need sets in. This is exactly why an untrained pet will see nothing wrong with doing it right on your living room floor. At the same time, dogs tend to look for a spot which is away from their feeding and sleeping quarters, and which provides them with some privacy.

Owners need to pick a specific spot in the backyard where they want their pets to do their business and be very consistent about it. The main principle of training your puppy has to do with consistency and getting used to a routine. It is also necessary to know when a puppy is more likely to feel the need to relieve itself. Most of the time, pets feel the need right after they have woken up, after they have eaten, and when they are excited. Owners have to be very quick with letting their pets out during these instances because puppies are unable to control their bladder that well.

Training a pet means that one has to keep an extra eye on the pooch. A pet who has to go will exhibit a few signs which include walking around in a circle with an upright tail and sniffing the ground. After seeing that ritual, the owner has to take the puppy out to the designated spot and then wait for the pup to urinate or defecate.

There are some times when a puppy will not immediately do anything. In this case, it is not advisable to have the dog linger for a long time in the yard or garden, and the owner should take his or her pet inside. This is to keep the puppy from thinking that taking him out means play time. Instead, the owner has to keep his or her eyes peeled for more signs and then take the pup out again in ten minutes or so.

Training a puppy does not come easy and the pooch will have a few accidents in the course of the training. Owners should never punish their pets for these accidents since doing so will only lead to trauma and fear. Practice and constant positive reinforcement is the way to go in house training any pet.

Do you need help with puppy behavior problems? Be sure to visit my site to learn how to stop puppy begging and puppy jumping.

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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Obedience Training for Puppies - How to Make It Effective


Obedience training for puppies is an important part of becoming a pet owner as this will help you make your pet obedient and become a good part of the family. Of course, it helps to make your pets live harmoniously at home and make sure as well that they are also raised to be clean and healthy.

With good obedience training for puppies, it will help you as the owner to manage and control them around the house. An obedient puppy is also a good pet and that can make you, your pet and the whole family happy as well. Although the process of training your puppies can be tough and challenging, all these can be made easy by learning some tips that will allow you to make it easy and effective.

Here are a few of the tips to help you handle the obedience training more effectively.

- Start right away with your obedience training as soon as you bring the puppy at home. The earlier you start with your obedience training, the more effective it can become as this means the pet has not yet started with any bad habits.

- Give your puppy a name and use it to call his attention while training. Calling your pet different names when calling his attention may hinder his learning during the obedience training and will even make the training take longer. With a good name in hand, your pet will also learn to recognize his name and will help you call his attention better.

- Be consistent with your commands. One of the important tips that you have to keep in mind if you want your obedience training for puppies as effective and fast as can be, is to be consistent. You have to stick with the same commands so that your pet will also associate it with one action. If there are a number of you training your puppy or there are a number of people in the family, make sure that you have briefed them to be consistent as well.

- Learn techniques to make the training effective and systematic. The use of rewards is one of the most effective techniques that you can do to be able to train your puppy fast. If your puppy get the instructions right, then you can reward him with his favorite food or give him a good pat or give him his favorite toy. Rewarding your pet will help him encourage the action.

- Repetition. To make your training effective, repetition is essential. You have to repeat orders until your pet gets it right. Of course, repetition can make it easier for your puppy to follow. Repetition along with consistency can make the training effective and fast as well.

To help you make the training a little easier, it is important to get yourself a good guide that will help you go through the details of the training. Remember as well that punishing your pet when he makes mistakes is never an option in obedience training. This will only make your pet aggressive and may make it a little harder for you to train him successfully.

Carolyn Anderson is a pet lover who trains her own dogs. For a complete guide on how to train your puppy, check out Clickertraining 4 Secrets. Also check out DIY Dog Training another guide to help you train your dog at the comforts of your own home.

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